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    Howard Stenzel & Patricia Aldrich Family Genealogy - This GEDCOM database can be searched and viewed using the Webtrees genealogy program, while maintaining full privacy for "Living Individuals". Webtrees not only allows users to generate many genealogical reports in both HTML and PDF formats, but to request Special Access "Sign On" member privilege to data not available to normal users. This database is a continuing work in progress. Note: If you had a "Sign On " to the old software, you will need to request a new one again for the new software.

    The 7 databases have been combined back into one Full database.

  • -- Howard Stenzel & Patricia Aldrich Family Full Database (Full) (Stenzel's, Aldrich's, Thorne's, Mill's, Trombley's, Sherratt's Families and their connections to other families)

This Genealogical Database contains data on not only the Stenzel's related to the Howard & Patricia Stenzel Family, but the Aldrich, Trombley, Mills, Sherratt, and Thorne Families and other connections to the Howard & Patricia Stenzel Family. It contains "direct" descendants and ancestors and the "direct" descendants of some of those ancestors.

Genealogical Database Navigation:
To begin working with the "Genealogical Database", choose one of the charts from the "Charts menu", an Individual from the "List menu", use the "Search" functions to find a person/place or select one of the "GEDCOM Favorites Families". If you have trouble using the Webtrees, you can click on the "Webtrees User Guide" in the "Favorites" section.

-Please Help by Sharing-
If you have "Updates/Additions/Corrections" (Family Members, etc), "Photos" (Individual, Group, Wedding, etc), "Obituaries", "Stories" or "Other" information (Maps, Photos of places, connecting Trees, etc), please share a copy with us, so that we may share it with others here. Digital/Scanned items can be sent to our email address or mailed to us (we will scan and return). Credit will be given, unless you note otherwise, for supplying the information. For Group Photos, please identify as many people as you can and their position in the photo. Also please send, any and all other information or links that you think would be helpful to us. Other information you should include are dates (birth, death, marriage, picture taken date/location, etc), even though some of the information will not appear on the website for living individuals, it will be maintained and available upon request.  Contact us via Feedback for more information.

Privacy of "living" individuals Birth/Marriage/etc. Dates, Notes are indicated by being blank or indicated as "Private" and you must contact the Web Master for more information.  "Information Data Sources" are not available for "all" individuals on the database, but are maintained and  available upon request via special access "Login" request to the Web Master. If you encounter information on a family member that you wish to have removed, please contact the Web Master.